Animalia | Primates | Hylobatidae | Hylobates | Hylobates albibarbis |

- Common Names: Bornean White-bearded Gibbon, Southern Gibbon, or Bornean Agile Gibbon
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1911
- Monkey Size: 40 to 50 cm (15.7 to 19.7 in)
- Skin Color(s): Gray or dark brown
- Habitat: Forest
- Diet: Herbivorous
- Native Countries: Borneo

Bornean White-bearded Gibbon Distribution

Bornean White-Bearded Gibbon Characteristics

The Bornean white-bearded gibbon[3] also called the southern gibbon, or Bornean Agile Gibbon, is a species of gibbon native to southern Borneo.
- Unlike other gibbon species, Bornean white-bearded gibbons do not show sexual dimorphism in coloration.
- Males and females look very similar. The coat can vary, but they usually have a brown body with brown legs and arms.
- Their feet and hands are black. The faces of these gibbons are typically framed by white cheeks and eyebrows, often resembling a mustache.
- Their arms, extremely long to their height, allow them to swing quickly in the forest.

Bornean White-Bearded Gibbon Facts

- Bornean white-bearded gibbons are diurnal and arboreal species. During the day, they roam the forest for food and participate in social activities.
- They reach sexual maturity around four years of age. At this point, male and female offspring are expelled from the family group to find their own mate.
- Because these gibbons are socially monogamous, mating occurs primarily between the related pair. However, mating with additional partners may occasionally occur.
- The Bornean white-bearded gibbons are famous for singing beautiful duets that travel long distances through the forest.
- As they roam the forest, they spread the seeds of the fruits they eat into new areas, helping the forest to regenerate.

Suggested Reading: Different Kinds of Apes
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Bornean White-Bearded Gibbon. Bio Explorer. "Bornean White-Bearded Gibbon" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Bornean White-Bearded Gibbon" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.