Agile Gibbon

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Hylobatidae Hylobates Hylobates agilis
Agile Gibbon
IUCN Status: Endangered
  • Common Name: Agile Gibbon
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1821
  • Monkey Size: 44 to 63.5 cm (17.3 to 25.0 inches)
  • Skin Color(s): Black, Brown, Light Tan and Reddish-Brown
  • Habitat: rainforests
  • Diet: Herbivorous (Frugivorous)
  • Native Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand

Agile Gibbon Distribution

Agile Gibbon Characteristics

Agile Gibbon

Agile gibbons[1], also known as dark-handed or black-handed gibbons, are arboreal monkeys; they are always in the trees.

  • Their fur is short, sometimes black, but can also be reddish-brown or dark brown. Above their eyes is a white streak from an eyebrow resembling a blackboard chalk line.
  • Males usually have white fur on the sides of their faces, looking like white sideburns. As great apes, agile gibbons do not have a tail.
  • Instead, the most distinctive feature of agile gibbons is the length of their arms, which are exceptionally long to their torso.
  • These long arms and fingers allow agile gibbons to easily swing through trees.

Agile Gibbon Name Origin

Hylobates Agilis

The name of the agile gibbon is derived from its ability to move quickly. In fact, upon its discovery, the species was observed to be capable of taking long leaps from tree to tree, and even capturing flying birds[2].

Agile Gibbon Facts

  • Agile gibbons belong to the great ape family. However, they are categorized as lesser apes because they are smaller than great apes.
  • They live in monogamous family groups of up to four.
  • They got their name because they swing over the branches with their long arms at great speed.
  • Agile gibbon’s vocalizations are sometimes referred to as songs because of the way they modulate their pitch.
  • By habitat loss and hunting, Agile gibbons are being threatened primarily for the illegal pet trade.

Suggested Reading: Monkey Species | Ape Species

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Agile Gibbon. Bio Explorer. "Agile Gibbon" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Agile Gibbon" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“ADW: Hylobates agilis: INFORMATION”. Accessed July 26, 2022. Link.
  • [2]“Library of Natural History – Richard Lydekker – Google Books”. Accessed July 26, 2022. Link.


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