Elfin Woods Warbler

Elfin Woods Warbler

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Passeriformes Parulidae Setophaga Setophaga angelae

The Elfin Woods Warbler (Setophaga angelae) is a tiny 12.5 cm insectivorous songbird restricted to remote mountain dwarf forests in Puerto Rico’s Luquillo and Maricao ranges.

Elfin Woods Warbler
IUCN Status: Endangered
  • Common Name(s): Elfin Woods Warbler
  • Family: Parulidae
  • Body Dimensions: 12.5 cm
  • Male Plumage Color(s): Gray Upperparts, Yellow Underparts, Dark Eye Mask
  • Female Plumage Color(s): Gray Upperparts, Yellow Underparts, Dark Eye Mask
  • Habitat: High Elevation Dwarf Forests
  • Diet: Insects
  • Native Countries: Puerto Rico
  • Continent(s): North America
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1972
  • Taxonomist(s): Cameron B. Kepler & Kenneth Carroll Parkes

Suggested Reading: Check-out the fellow Puerto Rican Warbler called Adelaide’s Warbler. | Multi Color Butterflies

Elfin Woods Warbler Fun Facts

Elfin Woods Warbler F

Carving out inviolate zones for this range-restricted species to retreat up-slope as conditions warm could determine if the Elfin Woods Warbler endures this century or vanishes like too many other island endemics.

Suggested Reading: Birds Native To Puerto Rico

Cite This Page

BioExplorer.net. (2025, February 02). Elfin Woods Warbler. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/birds/elfin-woods-warbler/.
BioExplorer.net. "Elfin Woods Warbler" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/birds/elfin-woods-warbler/.
BioExplorer.net. "Elfin Woods Warbler" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/birds/elfin-woods-warbler/.
Key References
  • [1]“A NEW SPECIES OF WARBLER (PARULIDAE) FROM PUERTO RICO”. Accessed December 27,2023. Link.


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